Team Effectiveness
ArnzenGroup coaches executive leadership teams to
Case Examples
Establishing Values to Drive Growth
The CEO of a fast growing internet marketing company was dissatisfied with the values he articulated 10 years prior in the start-up phase of the company that no longer served as a beacon to take the company to the next level. ArnzenGroup coached a senior, global team to formulate a new set of enduring values. The team recommended six unique values each with a stated mindset, action and expected outcome which were adopted by the executive management and now serve to guide this company of 5000 employees.
Building a Collaborative Team
A new CEO of an early stage biotech company faced an organization with a disruptive conflict between two scientific functions which hindered collaborative research. ArnzenGroup assessed the situation and recommended approaches to foster collaboration. The management team reorganized from two groups into one and ArnzenGroup coached the leader and the new integrated team to build collaborative research.
Enabling Knowledge Transfer
The VP of Research at a global pharmaceutical company felt his organization, made up of highly specialize function, was fragmented and needed to share information to ensure rapid drug development. ArnzenGroup delivered a team leader development program enabling greater cross functional collaboration and knowledge sharing.
Crafting a New Business Strategy
The CEO of a life science company acquired by a Japanese company needed to revitalize his leadership team to rise to the high expectations of the new parent company. ArnzenGroup led a series of interactive strategy meetings to align the team to a vision, goals and plans for achieving higher growth and profit targets.
Instilling A Discipline of Planning
The Executive Vice President of a Fortune 500 company was concerned about the shorter term mind set of his team which was amidst the construction of a large, new corporate headquarters to move 4,000 employees while simultaneously implementing a conversion to SAP. ArnzenGroup introduced interactive planning process that prepared the team for both milestones as well as build an organizational discipline for planning.
Creating an Integrated Team
The Business Unit Vice President of a major healthcare company was facing the challenge of merging a recently acquired biotech company into his organization. ArnzenGroup designed and delivered a 2-day meeting attended by 300 participants to gain insight into the strengths of each organization agree on how the organization will work as one. The combined organization was recognized as the most innovative units in the company.
Increasing Team Engagement, Communication and Trust
The Vice President of Research of a publicly trade biotech company had a team based in two different location where there was a breakdown of communication and trust. ArnzenGroup led a cross-site team to examine the clarity of the current state of the cross-site team’s work together and make recommendations for improvement. The recommendations were adopted and productivity of the cross-site team increase significantly.
Learning Teaming Skills
The Managing Partner of a life science company was dissatisfied with his leadership team meetings and concerned about the impact on the company’s performance. ArnzenGroup interviewed the leadership team and conducted a series of meetings to build greater teaming skills which has significantly improved how they operate as a team.

“Refocused the role and agenda of the senior leadership team to align our work more closely to our business opportunities and challenges.”
Avery Dennison
“Enabled individuals and teams to engage in honest conversation, to manage real-time conflict, and to bring about sustained improvements in performance.”
“Learned how to handle specific team interactions more effectively.”
“Clarified our mission and strengthened the team."
Johnson & Johnson
“Engaged the merging of two teams in its common strategy and work.”
“Enabled team to have the right conversation to prioritize and make decisions.”
Devon Energy
“Improved team’s ability to meet customer expectations.”
“Solidified team’s strategic direction.”
Mitsubishi Research Labs